Confidently Implement Strategies For Tackling Difficult People In Your Life And Your Work

A 4-Hour Online Training from: Manuela Pauer, CPCC, PCC


IN the 4 sessions of this online training you will:


Understand the Different Types of Difficult People and their Behavior

Identify different types of difficult people and understand what makes them tick:

- How do they think?
- What do they fear?
- Why do they behave the way they do?


Learn how to Regulate Your Emotions during challenging interactions 

Find out how you can increase your emotional agility:

- Recognize your patterns
- Stop getting hooked
- Act on your values
- Move on quickly


Implement Tactics to Effectively Deal with emotional manipulation

Recognize emotional manipulation and learn how to respond effectively by learning how to:

- Spot the signs of emotional manipulation
- Stop giving in and buy yourself time
- Establish boundaries and personal policies


Become better at having Difficult Conversations

Improve difficult conversations by changing your assumptions and behavior:

- Change the goal of the conversation
- Find mutually beneficial agreements
- Explore each others thinking
- Negotiate differences

What You'll Receive:

  • 4 hours of inspiring online training via video: You’ll be able to easily pause, rewind, rewatch the videos as many times as you’d like.

  • Complete audio versions of these trainings: In case you’d like to listen on the go and review the strategies.

  • Comprehensive Slides used in the training: In case you want to refer to any specific information covered in the training.

  • Worksheets for step-by-step implementation: Practical steps you can take to put what you learned into action.

Only $60 for everything above.

Check out via PayPal or Credit Card by using the button above.

All the materials will be emailed to you.

100% Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied, get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.


Hi , I’m Manuela. I live in Silicon Valley, California. I’m a certified and experienced Career Coach.

After working in the corporate world in strategy consulting and product management for various startups to corporations, I started my own coaching practice.

I have now been coaching for 10 years and love helping heart-centered professionals  create a career they love. 

If you are dealing with challenging behaviors in your work, home or socially…

If you work with a colleagues, customers or bosses who are demanding, manipulating or controlling …

If you find it difficult to get your point across in certain situations.

Then you’ve come to the right place. By mastering the strategies in this online training you will reduce your stress, increase your confidence and improve your interactions with challenging individuals.

"I can highly recommend this course! It was packed with curated information, practical examples, interactive elements that really help what you learn stick.

This course proved really useful to me. It's so empowering when you take charge of your reactions and emotions and learn tools how to deal with difficult people & situations.

It was so helpful to get examples of what we can choose to say/how we can choose to view things differently & how we can react in a more constructive way to things thrown our way. Powerful & empowering!"
~Johanna L., San Jose, CA

"I was extremely impressed. This course offered simplified techniques and tools for dealing with difficult situations, as well as provided an understanding of different personality types and how to navigate through each.

I would highly recommend for anyone, personal or professional. Excellent value! Thanks Manuela."
~Michelle H., San Jose, CA

Only $60

Check out via PayPal or Credit Card by using the button above.

All the materials will be emailed to you.

100% Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied, get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.


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