What Can a Career Coach Do For Me?

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“I am so unhappy in my career” Kelly recently told me. “My organization is so political, which drains my energy, and then on top of it, I suffered a recent career setback.” Kelly had reached out to me because she was trying to figure out what steps to take to either be happier and more successful in her current career or to start a new career. And she is not alone. Research conducted by Gallup shows that 87% of global employees are not feeling engaged at work. That is a staggering number.

Over a decade ago, when I was still working in the corporate world, I had heard of Executive Coaching. But it usually came up in the context of someone who was in a very senior role in the company who needed help to be successful in their new role. I think many of us still remember that “old” view of coaching.

Today, there are many companies that provide coaching to their high potential professionals to help them grow and develop into top notch leaders. Over the last few years, I have coached not only coached C-suite executives, but many leads, managers and directors who were selected to take part in leadership programs that their company had created to develop their top talent.

The great news is, you don’t have to wait for your company to offer you this opportunity. Everyone can find their own coach to succeed in their career.

What can a career or leadership coach help you with?

Consider working with a career or leadership coach if:

  1. You are looking for a new job

A career coach that specializes in job search can help you get that new job much faster with the latest job search strategies, creating compelling resumes and helping you ace your interview.

  1. You want to discover your ideal career

If you feel like you are not in the right career and want to discover your ideal career, a career coach who specializes in helping you uncover your dream career can help bring clarity relatively quickly and save you years of frustration

  1. You want to advance in your career

If you want to get promoted in your career or improve your leadership skills, a leadership coach can help you figure out what skills to hone to get to the next level and what strategies and actions can take you there.

  1. You want to achieve better work-life balance or learn more about yourself or get unstuck etc.

A career or leadership coach can give you the right support to finally make this a priority and find the right balance for you or make progress towards your goals.

  1. You want to start your own business

If you are ready to start your own business, a business coach can considerably shorten the time it takes to get started and set you up for success right from the start.

A client recently told me that when she thinks about sports, she would think that any athlete who tried to work without a coach is crazy. It makes complete sense in the sports world to have someone to give you feedback, create strategies, motivate and inspire you. So why wouldn’t every professional want to have a coach to work with?

I think many of us are hesitant to reach out for help, believing that we should be able to figure this out on our own. However, it is impossible for any of us to see ourselves and our situation clearly, because we are in it. As a result, many of us stay in unhappy situations far too long, somehow hoping or wishing that something will change.

At some point, we take some ineffective steps like combing through job search sites, hoping that the answer to our problems will magically appear. We ask a friend for advice. Then we get busy with work and get distracted from our goal again.  

In order to really move forward and make a true positive change, it really helps to have someone knowledgeable by our side who holds us accountable.

What would be possible for you with an experienced coach by your side?


Manuela helps high potential professionals who feel stuck or unhappy create a career they love. Download her free e-guide: "5 Massive Mistakes Even Smart Professionals Make That Keep Them From Creating a Career They Love"