Are You Feeling More Drained Than Usual?

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I sure am. It’s only been 3 weeks since we have been sheltering in place, but it feels like it has been much longer. Of course I am incredibly grateful that we are well, that we have food and shelter, and that our hospital system in the Bay area hasn’t been overloaded so far. 🙏

Yet I find everything much more draining than usual. Since I am an introvert, I found this somewhat surprising. 🤔 I have seen memes on FB like:

“CDC: To prevent coronavirus stay home, avoid physical contact and don’t go into large crowds. 😷

Introverts: I’ve been preparing for this moment my entire life.” 😄

It seems like this “should” be easy, but it isn’t. Yes, as an introvert, it might be easier to stay at home. But I actually find that I feel even more inundated now with different opportunities to join online events to socialize and connect.

Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s wonderful that people are connecting. However, I now have to constantly make decisions about what to attend and what to say no to. 🤯

And these social events via video can be more intense than going to an event in person. Since you are constantly on camera, you don’t get a chance for a break. At an in-person event you can step away and be on your own for a little bit or just talk to someone 1:1 for a while.

On top of this, we are going through a grieving process and grappling with our feelings. Many parents are even more overwhelmed because they are homeschooling on top of everything else. It’s no wonder that we are feeling drained.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨?

I have noticed that in addition to accepting and feeling my emotions, what’s helping me is to simplify and focus during this time:

🌸 Still keep a regular schedule, but don’t fill it as much.
That way you can take longer breaks to recover in between.
Also notice if you need more sleep and adjust when you wake up and go to bed to give yourself more time.

🌸 Give yourself permission to work more slowly
It’s only natural that we are being affected by what is going on, so things may just take longer than usual to complete.
Be kind and compassionate with yourself and allow yourself to work more slowly than usual.

🌸 Focus on just one thing
Rather than working on multiple projects, just choose your top priority and focus on that first. Make sure you make progress on your most important priority. Then, if you have time, you can tackle other things.

It is ok to slow down and focus. This will actually help you be more effective than taking on too many things and feel overwhelmed.

Please take good care of yourself, especially during this time. Sending you love and peace.❤️


Manuela helps heart-centered professionals who feel stuck or unhappy create a career and life they love. Contact her for a free 45 minute Career and Life Strategy session. Get more information on Manuela’s Website