Changing Careers During Uncertain Times

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“Should we even be considering a career change during this time?” my colleague asked. Shouldn’t we just be happy and grateful that we have a job?" 🤷‍♀️

Yes, of course we all need to make sure we have food 🥘  and shelter 🏠, so having an income is important, especially during uncertain times. However, that doesn’t mean that we have to put our happiness and fulfillment on hold.

Being happy and fulfilled is very important, not just for ourselves.
⚡️  When we are fulfilled and happy, we have more energy, so we can be there more for others.
😄  Most people love to be around happy people, so your positive mood will have a positive effect on those around you.
👫  And if you are not unhappy and resentful, you can have much better relationships with other people.

In order to feel fulfilled by what we do, we need to pay attention to 3 areas: Our strengths, what we enjoy doing, and what gives us purpose. According to research by Harvard professor Tal Ben Shahar, it’s the intersection between these 3 areas that is our sweet spot. 🎯

Once we figure out our sweet spot, we can set a direction and goals for ourselves – where do we want to be in the long term? Once we know what we are aiming for, we can then look at our immediate future.

One of my clients determined that she was actually passionate about fitness 🏃‍♀️ (something she hasn’t focused on much due to her workload) and was very good at writing ✍️ (something she was doing already as part of her job). Helping people grow and succeed in their fitness journey gave her a sense of purpose. 🌟 Her goal became to find a writing job for a fitness-related company.

But what if opportunities are limited right now in the area that we ultimately want to be in? If that is the case, look at your next job as a springboard. What jobs would help enhance your skills or your experience and prepare you for your next career? If you are currently in a job, what are projects you could take on that would give you those skills or experience? 🪂

Don’t just assume that the job market is bad right now. There are companies that are doing well and hiring. Some industries to look at are: Remote work tool companies (like Zoom, Slack, MS Teams), Financial services companies, Shipping and Delivery companies, Online Learning Companies, Grocery stores and Delivery Services.

Rather than staying in a bad job or jumping into the next job out of fear, do some long-term planning first. It will help you figure out the next step you can take that will make you happier and more fulfilled. 😍


Manuela helps heart-centered professionals create a career and life they love. Contact her for a free 45 minute Career and Life Strategy session. Get more information on Manuela’s Website