What Do You Want To Create In 2021?

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I can’t believe we are at the end of January already.

I don’t think the New Year has ever been as eagerly anticipated as this year – at least as far as I can remember.

So here we are. It’s a brand new year. With it comes a lot of hope. Hope for a better year. Hope for a return of many things that we have been unable to do for most of 2020.

How do you set intentions and goals for a year when there is still uncertainty?

I usually start by reflecting back to last year.

Here are a couple of questions you can ask yourself:

  1. What was 2020 about for you?
  2. What lessons have you learned in 2020 that you want to carry into 2021?

For me, last year turned out to be about making the best of a pandemic. My business took a nose dive in March and then slowly recovered as the year went on. I learned about how post-traumatic stress can make us more resilient and how to stay motivated and happy during uncertain times. And I focused on creating online trainings based on what I learned.

Another big theme that emerged for me last year was that trying to do things well was actually holding me back. I realized that I have to be more willing to make mistakes and to be ready to suck in order to become better at something. That’s one lesson and practice I want to carry with me into 2021. So here is to more mistakes and failure in the coming year! 😉

Then I start looking forward.

You can ask yourself:

  1. What do you want to start doing, stop doing or do differently in 2021?
  2. What are you ready to commit to doing the first 3 months of 2021?
  3. What will 2021 be about for you?

For me, 2021 will be about collaborating more with others, even if we are physically apart.

Relationships are as important as ever, but it will take different efforts to stay close to people, especially if we are used to seeing them in person.

I also started the habit of taking regular breaks last year. I want to experiment with doing different things during those breaks to see what gives me the most energy.

How about you?

What will 2021 be about for you? What lessons from 2020 do you want to carry with you?


Manuela loves helping mid-level professionals create a career and life they love. Contact her for a free 45 minute Career and Life Strategy session. Get more information on Manuela’s Website